We are delighted to introduce the latest addition to our collection of books: Our Farm in the City, by author Kalli Dakos and illustrated by Erin Mercer. This delightful book of prose poetry for children sees our beautiful Farm through fresh young eyes, and introduces the animals, plants, and insects that make our Farm unique in the world. You’ll meet Dotty the cow and Precious the piglet, and the scientists who help everything grow strong and healthy.

How do you get a copy of Our Farm in the City?

Purchase options:

Shipping – Buy it here online with a credit card and have it shipped to a location of your choice. Quotes are available for out-of-province shipping, or you can call the office during these Office Hours to arrange payment by credit card.

Curb-side pickup – Buy it here online with a credit card or call the office during these Office Hours to arrange payment by credit card, cheque, or cash. Curb-side pickup will then be arranged at the Friends’ office in Building 72 weekdays during our Office Hours. (We are closed on statutory holidays.)

Questions? Email info@friendsofthefarm.ca