The 2024 tour season is over. Thank you to all who registered and a special thanks to our volunteer tour leaders!

Peony Garden: Wednesday, May 29 and June 5 

Rock Garden: Tuesday, June 4 and July 23

Rose Gardens (both the Heritage Rose Garden and the Explorer Rose Garden): Saturday, June 15 and August 17 (we have had to cancel the August 17th tour due to poor conditions)

W.T. Macoun Memorial Garden: Tuesday, July 16 and July 30  (rain or shine)

You may also refer to the Events Calendar on our website for the various dates and times.

A brochure featuring a Self-Guided Tour of the Ornamental Gardens is available on our website (hard copies available at our office). Our online boutique has publications about the Central Experimental Farm as well as greeting cards featuring photos taken in the Ornamental Gardens. Of particular interest is our book Blooms: An Illustrated History of the Ornamental Gardens at Ottawa’s Central Experimental Farm.

Visit us here often to see what we’re up to. You may also sign up for our free monthly e-bulletin Farm Notes and visit our Facebook page for regular updates on Friends of the Farm events.