Building Canada’s Farm: An Illustrated Guide to Buildings at the Central Experimental Farm explores the many and varied buildings at the Farm, and the history that they so magnificently represent. It is a history of achievements in agricultural research of national and international significance. 

At the same time, it is a history of the people who have made the Farm such a success. The authors offer intriguing profiles of them, as well as fascinating tales about life on the Farm and its place in the hearts of the citizens of Ottawa.

Richard Hinchcliff has been photographing the Farm and researching its history for many years. He is the author of Blooms: An Illustrated History of the Ornamental Gardens at Ottawa’s Central Experimental Farm, also published by the Friends of the Farm. Patricia Jasen has been delving into the history of the Farm ever since she moved to Ottawa in 2018. She is the author of Wild Things: Nature, Culture, and Tourism in Ontario, 1790-1914.

The Friends gratefully acknowledge the generous support of the following donors who contributed financial support to this project: Heritage Ottawa, John Kiedrowski, E. Neville Ward, and friends of Randy Fletcher.

This 2021 publication is an excellent companion book to Ottawa’s Farm, the classic story of the Farm and its “Farm kids” by Helen Smith and Mary Bramley, also available here in our Boutique.

240 pages, ISBN 978-1-7777869-0-8, softcover, 7 x 9”


How do you get a copy of Building Canada’s Farm?

Purchase options:

Shipping – Buy it here online with a credit card and have it shipped to a location of your choice for a cost. To obtain quotes for out of province shipping or shipping for more than 1 copy, please contact before purchasing, or call the office during these Office Hours.  Arrangements to payment by credit card can be made through the office.

Pick-up – Buy it here online with a credit card or call the office during these Office Hours to arrange payment by credit card, cheque or cash. Pick-up will then be arranged at the Friends’ office in Building 72 weekdays during our Office Hours. (We are closed on statutory holidays.)

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