The Four Seasons – Special Offer

Our very popular greeting cards featuring photos of the Central Experimental Farm, many taken by Richard Hinchcliff, author of Blooms: An Illustrated History of the Ornamental Gardens (available here in our Boutique) are now available as a Four Seasons set for a very special price. While inventory lasts, buy 1 set of each season – Spring, Summer, Fall and Winter (24 cards) – for $80.00  $70.00 + HST. 


How can you get your set of greeting cards?

Purchase options:

Shipping – Buy them here online with a credit card and have them shipped to a location of your choice for a cost. Quotes are available for out of province shipping, or call the office during these Office Hours to arrange payment by credit card.

Curb-side pickup – Buy them here online with a credit card or call the office during these Office Hours to arrange payment by credit card, cheque or cash. Curb-side pickup will then be arranged at the Friends’ office in Building 72 weekdays during our Office Hours. (We are closed on statutory holidays.)

Questions? Email