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The Friends of the Central Experimental Farm (CEF) have always supported the building of a new hospital to cope with growing demands and the many problems associated with the old Civic campus. It was a shock when the site selected for the new hospital turned out to be part of the Farm. This space is a treasure, given its connection to the Arboretum and the woodlands across Prince of Wales. The pandemic has underlined how important such a large green space is to a population that needs fresh air, exercise, and a place to find relief from stress.
The Board of Directors of the Friends of the Farm provided a response in the summer 2021 issue of the FCEF newsletter.
Further specific comments on the TOH’s Cultural Heritage Impact Statement were sent by the Friends to the City of Ottawa and the National Capital Commission.
Many other organizations and citizens’ groups are responding to the hospital’s proposal. Groups include the following: (please contact a group for more information on their response)
Greenspace Alliance – An excellent up-to-date summary of the history of the issue and responses to it.
Civic Hospital Neighbourhood Association
Dow’s Lake Residents Association
Glebe Annex Community Association
Champlain Park Community Association
Articles of interest
Peter Elliott’s response to Master Plan – founder of Friends of the Farm, 1988
Centretown Buzz – August 2021 edition
- pg 1 – “New hospital site creates serious concerns for west Centretown”
- pg 11 – Councillor Catherine McKenney, “New hospital has more parking, fewer trees.”
- pg 11 – MPP Joel Harden, “Paved paradise, put up a parking garage.”
Email from Jerry Fiori, Chair, Ottawa Disability Coalition
Reimagine Ottawa’s Arguments for City of Ottawa Planners and Councillors on the Hospital Master Plan
Support from Capital Ward Councillor Shawn Menard, MPP Joel Harden
Egan: NDP calls for Civic hospital inquiry — oh, the politics we would find
We Stand with Trees – Portrait Project aims to Protect 600 trees
Bruce: Ottawa’s new hospital — Will bigger really be better?
A TALE OF TWO ONTARIO CITIES: How Ottawa and Windsor chose a site for their new hospital
Saving the Farm & Queen Juliana Park – ReImagine Ottawa
Civic Hospital Neighbourhood Association – comments TOH Parking Garage Site Plan D07-12-21-0159
Events of interest
Townhall on the Civic Hospital Development – September 1, 2021, 19:00
Lament for the Trees – August 15, 2021